We will provide direct mail campaign A through Z. We will recommend proper segment, set up data and choose the right size of the campaing, print it, envelope it and send it. Then we are able to analyse the campaign or resume on it properly. Our own databáze of destination adresses are our added value. These are used by e.g. ČSOB, KB, GE Money, Unicredit bank and many more.
Our goal is not to sent envelopes but create a new long-term selling channel. We measure investments to the campaign and their return ability.
Price of one envelope is: paper, print, envelope, adress sheet, database, post taxes from 6,40 CZK per price.
How do we understand Direct Mailing:
- - an opportunity of uniqe way to contact a customer or a potentional customer
- - personalisation of statement, each customer needs specific information, own adressing
- - unconventional forms and creative committment
- - focus on uniqueness of each order
- - feed-back, summerizing of the campaign
- - thorough segmentation (choosing of adressees from many databases, which we do not buy, but directly create)

Monthly we sent a large number of envelopes, we are able to offer sending letters, including print paper, envelope, completation, database and post taxes, thanks to significant quantity prices from 6,40 CZK per price.
Please contact us for calculation - rychlá poptávka.