We provide contacts for key personnel in companies. Directors, IT managers, Quality managers, HR responsible, marketing , purchasing or sales. If you want to contact personnel on specific posts, you only need to contact us.
Please contact us for a free calculation and sample.
Company database can serve to:
- map the market
- as a base for bussinessmen
- databases in CRM
- for direct marketing campaigns ( direct marketing from IMPER CZ, s.r.o)
- for telemerketing campaigns (telemarketing from IMPER CZ, s.r.o)
- email campaigns
We guarantee 99% rate of delivery to given adesses. We carefully filter undeliverable adresses and validate adress before hand-over along with frequent database actualisations.Age of data provided will not exceed more than several work days before hand-over which gives us unique quality guarantees possibility.
We guarantee:
- Delivery of 99% of post adresses
- Quality we guarantee the data is relevant by the date of delivery
- Age of data provided to be maximum of 5 work days
- Guarantee of lowest price in Czech Republic - lowest price for up to date record
How to choose correct data:
It is very important to choose the key group. We offer a free consultation where we help you learn how to choose. We are also able to analyse your current customers add their turn-overs , employee numbers, contact persons update contacts and assess "typical customer"You can find more about data selection here: Jak vybrat správná data.